Opening Hours:   Mon-Sat: 9:00am - 7:00pm,   Sun: 11:00am - 1:00pm |     A-14, A Block, Sumer Nagar, Mansarovar, Jaipur   |     0141-4517136   |

Eye Care Tips For Children

Sunlight Exposure and Children’s Eyes

Shielding children’s eyes from excessive ambient UV radiation in direct and reflected sunlight is extremely important based on evidence from epidemiologic human studies and experimental animal studies. Significant long-term damage to eye-related tissues (the eyelid skin, conjunctiva, cornea, lens, and in young children, possibly the retina) can be caused by UV radiation, and thus can be prevented.

Children who have undergone cataract surgery and some with other ocular problems like ocular allergy may be at even greater risk of damage; protective UVA/B blocking glasses are especially important for these children. The best prevention continues to be the avoidance of significant sun exposure during the highest risk time periods of the day (typically ‘9 to 5’) almost year-round, especially in a tropical country like ours.

Expert Opinion

Dr. Jaideep Sharma, specialized in Pediatric Ophthalmology, Squint, and General Ophthalmology, suggested that these recommendations should not be understood as sun or outdoor activity being avoided at all times; on the contrary, there is clear evidence that sunlight is needed for appropriate Vitamin D metabolism, and more recently, there is some early evidence that myopia progression may be decreased by spending more time outdoors.

Having said this, whenever stepping outside, appropriate UVA/B blocking protective lenses in well-fitted, safe spectacle frames are valuable for all, particularly for younger children, adolescents, and those who are geographically or medically at higher risk. UV rays have the potential to damage nearly all segments of the eye.

Potential Risks of UV Radiation

  • Eyelid skin is at risk for basal cell carcinoma
  • Conjunctiva for pingueculae and pterygia
  • Cornea for climatic droplet keratitis
  • Lens for cortical cataract (higher risk in younger individuals)
  • Theoretical risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration with long-term visible light exposure

Recommended Precautions

PRASAN NETHRALAYA, the best eye care hospital, recommends these points to consider while choosing spectacles:

  • Provide safety when impacted
  • Leave little room for light to enter around the temporal edges
  • Be comfortable to wear for any age
  • The lenses should block at least 99% of UVA/B light

Parents may look for lenses made of polycarbonate or CR39-type material. Polarized lenses often provide greater comfort from glare, especially for light-sensitive children. These recommendations include both prescription (tinted or not) glasses and non-prescription sunglasses.

Poorly made spectacles, improper lens material, non-UVA/B block material, or unreliable labels from unknown manufacturers all place the child at greater risk and should be avoided due to the potential daily exposure that represents the problem.


  • WS POS consensus statement is the source. World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismology (WS POS). Website name:
  • Sliney, D.H. Physical factors in cataractogenesis: ambient ultraviolet radiation and temperature. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 935 1451 126
  • Söderberg, P.G., Philipson, B.T., Lindström, B. Unscheduled DNA synthesis in lens epithelium after in vivo exposure to UV radiation in the 300 nm wavelength region. Acta Ophthalmol. (Copenh.)
  • Dong, X., Ayala, M., Löfgren, S., Söderberg, P.G. Ultraviolet radiation-induced cataract: age and maximum acceptable dose. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 935 1451 126

To know more about your child’s eye care, contact PRASAN NETHRALAYA. 📞 0141-4517136


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